Create a completely new website to exhibit the essence of the firm’s past work and current projects while being strategically structured to feature future growth.
Armed with a comprehensive strategic plan developed in an initial research phase, KINETIK designed and built a custom WordPress site that focuses on StudioMB’s portfolio while highlighting the firm’s culture and personality.

Full-screen images of the firm’s work, process, and people interspersed with quotes about the firm’s beliefs introduce the studio with high impact visuals that also tell a story. Images of StudioMB team members along with content that is friendly and approachable differentiate the firm’s online presence from typical portfolio-centric websites.
The bright red was chosen to remain consistent with the brand equity established in StudioMB’s original identity, with blue as a highlight accent. A retractable navigation allows for full impact of the incredible architecture images. In keeping with the desire to be approachable, intuitive navigation allows users to delve into a project’s specifics with multiple ways to access other parts of the site and the main nav always in view.
Updating and managing content internally was a critical component of the new site’s goals. StudioMB team members are able to quickly add visual and editorial content, while featuring news updates on completed projects and those in progress keeps the site fresh and alive.