Create concise, infographic-driven reports and complementary digital communication solutions to help the Annie E. Casey Foundation build better futures for disadvantaged families and children in the United States.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation supports its mission through dissemination of detailed trend data related to educational, social, economic and physical conditions for children in communities nationwide. Since its inception in 1990, the KIDS COUNT Data Book evolved from 60 pages to more than 200—featuring maps, demographic tables, and national and state-by-state rankings on measures of child well-being.

KINETIK’s deep understanding of the organization and the KIDS COUNT initiative was key during the recent overhaul of the book, which resulted in a smaller, infographic-centric print publication accompanied by single-page, individual state profiles, digital assets for social media and website use, and complementary single-issue reports throughout the year. Evocative, candid photographs of children in positive interactions with adults illustrate key messages.

The redesign melded with a new organizational brand identity and incorporated a revised index of more indicators organized into four broad, interrelated categories. Iconographics for each category were designed to work in both print and digital media. While some “traditional” tables remained a mainstay of the publication, multiple pieces of data were highlighted in easily accessible infographics. The fresh approach to data visualization achieves a visual storytelling of the Casey Foundation’s message, all through complex data made simple.